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A podcast for new and expectant moms hosted by Amanda and Katie of Best Life Moms Club. We share our personal experiences so you are informed of what real life is like from pregnancy through your first year with your baby. Join us as we discuss the hard topics that nobody ever talked about with us!

Podcast Reviews

  • Super friendly and helpful
    May 2, 2022 by Jen @ GoDiaperFree from United States

    Like sitting around with a few mom friends (but getting some really good info!). Makes you feel less alone with all the joy, heartache, worry, guilt, exhiliration, and more that motherhood brings. Thank you for making all our feelings feel valid and giving us great info to help us all on our hourneys.

  • Amazing!
    February 8, 2022 by HeatherK04 from United States

    I was pretty clueless when I first found out I was pregnant and now in the third trimester I feel prepared and informed thanks to these women! I highly recommend this podcast to any pregnant friends!

  • Great podcast
    October 24, 2021 by Maddy Stemp from United States

    This podcast is so positivity and friendly and helps calm some of my anxieties about becoming a mother.

11 Things to Buy As Soon As Your Find Out You’re Pregnant!

11 Things to Buy As Soon As Your Find Out You’re Pregnant!

Summary Amanda and Katie talk candidly and make a list of all the things they think you should buy as soon as you find out you're pregnant! Join them for lots of laughs as they give advice and share some stories! Show Notes 2:17 - Antacid 3:55 - Am I really pregnant?...

16 Physical Changes During Pregnancy That NOBODY Talks About

16 Physical Changes During Pregnancy That NOBODY Talks About

SUMMARY This is an open and honest account of all the changes that occurred for us that nobody told us about. Everything from changing moles, bad gas and constipation to excessive saliva, sensitive nipples and shooting pain! SHOW NOTES 2:15 - Looking things up 2:45 -...

Vaginal Birth with Vacuum!

Vaginal Birth with Vacuum!

SUMMARY This week we talk with Caitlin, one of Katie's best friends. She shares her birth story where the vacuum was used to assist getting the baby out. We also talk about epidurals and having your water broken. SHOW NOTES2:00 - Easy Pregnancy4:20 - It All...

Eating Disorders and Pregnancy

Eating Disorders and Pregnancy

SUMMARY We discuss eating disorders/disordered eating while pregnant. Katie share's her story. She discusses the internal battle she suffered during her first pregnancy and how she became aware of her issues for her second pregnancy. If you had an eating...

Lets talk Fitness! Interview with Rhonda Chamberlain

Lets talk Fitness! Interview with Rhonda Chamberlain

SUMMARY We talk with Rhonda Chamberlain, physiotherapist and pregnancy & postnatal athleticism coach about fitness! She shares her story of bladder prolapse and how fitness can be part of your healthy pregnancy and post natal recovery. You can connect with her on...

Anxiety and Pregnancy

Anxiety and Pregnancy

SUMMARY Amanda and Katie talk to Sherry Maxwell, Psychotherapist (Amanda's Mom) about anxiety when you're pregnant and a new mom! SHOW NOTES 1:50 - Difference of stress & anxiety 2:40 - Anxiety: the fear of the unknown 4:40 - Symptoms of anxiety 5:45 - Healthy and...

Bonding with Your Baby is Sometimes Hard!

Bonding with Your Baby is Sometimes Hard!

SUMMARY Bonding with your baby isn't like the movies. Sometimes it comes easy and other times its hard and requires work. Amanda discusses how it took longer to bond with her 3rd child and Katie discusses bonding with her daughter who was a preemie and her son who had...

I Had Rh Incompatibility in Pregnancy: Jess’ Story

I Had Rh Incompatibility in Pregnancy: Jess’ Story

SUMMARY We talk with our friend Jess about her experience with Rh Incompatibility during her pregnancy. She talks about going from a perfect pregnancy to a high risk pregnancy, being induced at 36 weeks and caring for her new baby who had hemolytic disease of the...

7 Surprising Postpartum Changes

7 Surprising Postpartum Changes

SUMMARY Amanda & Katie discuss 7 postpartum changes that caught them off guard! They talk about everything from sweating to gooey blood and hair loss! SHOW NOTES 2:20 - Sweating Like There is No Tomorrow 4:15 - Horrible Hair Loss 7:45 - Weird Dreams 11:00 - Milk...