Give us a listen!
A podcast for new and expectant moms hosted by Amanda and Katie of Best Life Moms Club. We share our personal experiences so you are informed of what real life is like from pregnancy through your first year with your baby. Join us as we discuss the hard topics that nobody ever talked about with us!
12 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Labor & Delivery
** Go to the FREE RESOURCES section to download our worksheet!** This week Amanda & Katie discuss the questions you should be asking about labor and delivery. Some you've probably thought about…others you probably haven't!
15 Questions to Ask Your Doctor at Your FIRST Prenatal Appointment
** Go to the FREE RESOURCES section to download our worksheet! ** This week Amanda & Katie discuss the 15 questions you should ask your doctor at your first prenatal appointment…so as soon as you find out you're pregnant! They give some insight into the questions...
The Truth About Second Pregnancies
SUMMARY Amanda & Katie talk honestly about their second pregnancies and the difficulties they faced with them. Because in some ways, being pregnant for the second time is harder than the first!
The 6 Types of Post-Delivery Meals
SUMMARY This week Amanda & Katie talk food! Katie shares her list of the 6 types of post delivery meals. For short videos check us out on Instagram @BestLifeMomsClub SHOW NOTES: 4:00 - Celebratory 5:23 - Comfort 8:57 - Missed You 14:05 - Starving 19:30 - Recovery...
The 4 Common Struggles of Being Pregnant During a Pandemic
SUMMARY Amanda and Katie talk with psychotherapist Sherry Maxwell (Amanda's Mom) about the 4 common struggles women are facing in their pregnancy due to covid-19. She has to great tips to share with you on how to deal with some of the issues. Sherry was previously...
10 Things to Consider When Naming Your Baby!
SUMMARY ** For the FREE Name Guide in our free resources section!** This week Amanda (aka The Name Guru) and Katie talk all about names! What it all comes down to though is that you love the name you choose! SHOW NOTES 3:45 - The List 4:00 - Last Initial 11:15 - First...
What’s Harder? Third Trimester or First Month Postpartum?
SUMMARY Amanda and Katie discuss what they found to be harder, the third trimester or first month postpartum and talk about some of the difficulties they experienced during both. They talk about everything from body image to breastfeeding and birth plans. SHOW NOTES...
5 Discussions to Have Before the Baby Arrives
SUMMARY ** This episode has a FREE worksheet you can download in our Free Resources section of the website!** This week Amanda and Katie are talking about 5 important discussions they wish they had with their husbands before the baby arrived. Amanda had to have some...
One Thing We Would Tell Ourselves as First Time Moms
Summary Amanda and Katie each talk about one piece of advice they wish they could go back in time and tell themselves as first time moms. Show Notes 3:18 - Expectations 3:39 - Pressure to be Perfect 4:00 - Village 5:50 - Sleep 9:01 - Partner 10:15 - Slack 10:40 - The...